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Emotional intelligence (EI), is a set of skills that help us recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions as well as recognize, understand, and influence the emotions of others. “Emotional intelligence is critical in building and maintaining relationships and influencing others—key skills that help people throughout their career and wherever they sit in an organizational structure,” says Andrews of Harvard University. Research suggests that people with a high emotional quotient (EQ) are more innovative and have higher job satisfaction than those with lower EQs. While some people will be naturally more adept at certain aspects, EI can be learned, developed, and enhanced.
Here are some techniques that can help you improve your emotional intelligence:
For issues on mental health and the welfare of your marriages and families, remember seeking professional help from a counselling psychologist is the best thing one can do for their family. At Giving Hope Counselling Services we offer a safe space where we listen to our client's issues without judging them and assist them to resolve them so that their lives and their families can thrive again. Seeking help is a strength and not a weakness.
Call/WhatsApp us at 0721240462 or 0733932470 or email us at to book a counselling session.